Thursday, May 15, 2014

You are all amazing!

Thank you so much to everyone so has contributed to Bike and Build and for your support as I embark on an adventure of a lifetime. Your finiancal support has been absolutely incredible and we blew the $4500 fundraising minimum out of the water. The current total is $6133!!! I can't thank you enough for helping make this trip a reality and I can't wait to start sending out postcard cheer all summer long!

Training ride!????

Here is a short movie B&B released on why we ride.

Wonder who are the recipients of some of the grants B&B distributes? Check of this video of a 2012 grantee in Teton Wyoming (and you can see some awesome snow suits). Link

See you later Bellingham, spring was beautiful and full of adventures! (Which is one of the reasons I had such a hard time blogging, so here are some pictures to make up for it)

Mt. Vernon Tulip Festival.

Baby goats! Sit down and they all just on your lap and want to cuddle.

70 mile, 4500 ft elevation gain, training rode with my dad.

Trying to get my bike back in the box, way more difficult than it looks.

My brother graduating from Mt. Angle Seminary. 

Shipped my bike but still needed to continue my training. OK, not really, but I thought it would make a funny picture. It would be way to much work to ride a wheel the small any significant distance.

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